About the project

What is the Mini Photoshoot Project? Well let me tell you..

So there are two things you need to know here to understand where the idea for the project came from.

Firstly since I was young I was interested in Photography, back then all I could afford was a point and shoot camera, from their I graduated to smartphone cameras under the mistaken belief that megapixel numbers meant you’d get better picture. Someone pointed out the errors of my ways and I saved up for a DSLR camera. Which leads on to the second part.

When I was in my teenage years and then again when I was in my mid twenties I played Warhammer 40k. We had a break for a number o
f years and then return in full force in 2015 starting to collect again, and paint as a group and generally just having fun.

So when I got my DSLR I was looking for things to take pictures of and among the normal categories such as trees, flowers, and sunsets, I decided to try and take pictures of miniatures as well.

Now the common approach seemed to be to put them in a light box and take a picture of one model at a time, but what I actually ended up doing after a night of gaming was setting up a full scene with multiple models. I think it came out pretty well and from there Mini Photoshoots was born!


What now then?

Right now I’m aiming to develop the project and extend it to a wider range of artists so we get more of a variety of armies and styles in the pictures. To do this we’ve constructed and invested in a lot of equipment for the shoots. I’m hoping that we can put it to good use and take some pictures that everyone can enjoy! We’re in talks at the moment with a local hobby shop to get permission to arrange shoots in the shop, once this is finalised we will be booking shoots with artists and in the spirit of the community it’ll be funded on donation using a pay as you feel scheme.

Keep an eye on the website and our social media for further announcements.